Each year gamers get together and raise money for childrens hospitals, they marathon stream games and collect donations. While we don't have an official streaming presence, Trovesaurus does have the ability to support streamers.

During the event we'll be providing banners promoting the Extra Life streamers that are taking part in Trove, as well as helping them to secure some goodies to give away to viewers.

To find out more about Extra Life visit http://www.extra-life.org/ 


  • Streamers who are planning to stream Trove can contact Digiwolf or myself on Discord. http://trovesaurus.com/discord 
  • We can help promote your channel, and your donation pages, and provide you with some goodies to give away to your viewers

Requirements, be a part of Team Trion on Extra Life: http://www.extra-life.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=donorDrive.team&teamID=27860 


  • Things for you to give away to your viewers is still being decided, it may range from individual items, to full packs


  • The main streaming event will be on Saturday, 5 November.

Note: This isn't a hard restriction, if you are planning on fundraising outside of this timeframe contact us and we'll still support you.

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